Thursday 7 January 2016

Filming Process Evaluation

Filming Process Evaluation

What went well during the filming process

One of the things we did well during our filming process was how quickly we moved between shots. Despite the fact that we had a lot of equipment to move and all of the different angles that we had to adjust the Tripod into, we managed to do this efficiently by all of us moving pieces of equipment into a new location, rather than one person doing all of the work. This meant that there was less time wasted with shuffling and more time used for filming, which was a more productive use of our time.

Another thing that we did well, was all of the waste footage we had. When we took a shot, we made sure that we had multiple takes. This meant that we had a big choice of what footage looks best next to each other. In addition to the extra shots we captured, we also made sure that we had enough waste footage either side of each piece. While this provided us with very funny moments captured on camera, it also meant that it made the editing process much easier as we were able to cut down the clip to the part that we wanted.

What didn't go so well during the filming process

 Our location was a very busy one. This meant that it was difficult to film in the ideal environment as we had to ask people to move out of the shot, we were never insured complete silence, which we needed in order to capture our dialogue, and our setting always changed as people kept on coming and going, which made continuity difficult. This meant that we had to adapt to the environment, which was added stress that we did not need.

Some of our shots were difficult to recreate.  The one shot in particular was the dropping of the tea cup - which contained tea in it. This meant that there was a lot of liquid to tidy up after the shot, as the tea went everywhere. In the end Mel had to ask the cashier for the industrial paper towels to tidy up the mess. it also meant that tea got on our clothes, that were going to be worn for the rest of the day.

Overall, we think that the filming process was a success, as we did what we needed to do, and we did it effectively, which meant that we didn't have to spend too long on unnecessary things. We got all of the footage we needed, and we followed our storyboard really well. We also experimented with different shots and got comfortable with the camera, which gives us confidence for the main task, and more importantly, we all worked together well as a team. Also it was a very fun experience that is rewarding.

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