Wednesday 27 January 2016

Movie Synopsis

Movie Synopsis

Story Line

The story line of our movie starts with a woman named Anna having an affair while she is in a marriage that she is not happy in. Her affair with a man named Nick happens for months while she gathers the courage to break of her marriage with her husband; John. However, John catches onto the fact that Anna is having an affair before this can happen.

Consumed by rage, but not sure who she is having an affair with, John begins to murder the people  Anna is close to, including her co-workers, friends and neighbours. However, as each murder progresses, Anna finds that she has been losing track of her whereabouts as she has been blacking out, and she has been suspiciously close to all of the murder scenes every time. This leads her to believe that she is the cause of these murders, slowly driving her insane.

This continues as her lover reassures her that it can't possibly be her murdering people, but she starts to distance herself from him, scared that he would be the next victim. This is when her husband John, realises who she has been having an affair with and he wants revenge. With this knowledge in mind, John arranges a romantic night in with Anna, where he drugs her and murders Nick. He then plants both of them in the forest, for the police to find her and put her in prison.
However, this plan goes array as Anna regains consciousness and begins running in distress towards her home. While she is running through the woods, that is when Anna starts to have flashbacks and eventually realise that it wasn't her that killed all of those people. It is when Anna is running through the forest that it is revealed that John had been spying on her and gathering pictures of her and Nick. When she enters the house, she is in hysterics and cries, "I didn't do it! I didn't do it!" John calmly says "I know that you didn't kill them," whilst embracing her. This is when Anna realises that John is the murderer. However, it is too late as John kills her.


The movie starts with the end, as we see the last scene of Anna waking up and running through the forest into the kitchen and Nick stabbing her (the scene that we will be filming). After the title is shown, the story will be shown in chronological order mostly from the view of Anna, showing how everything leads up to this last scene. Most of the information will be shown to the spectator's and not much information needs to be inferred.

1 comment:

  1. Good work! This makes sense, and seems to be a good place to start. Well done!
