Friday 29 January 2016


Below is an email from Samantha Sheppard who works for the council, confirming that we are allowed to film in Grattons Park.

Below is a screenshot of the application form we had to fill out in order for us to make an inquiry about filming.

Displayed below is a consent form that is signed by my parents agreeing to grant permission for our media group to do the following:

  • Film part of our thriller opening in this house

  • Use a real knife as one of the props and that we can borrow this knife from your kitchen

  • That we will be allowed to use Alka-Seltzer (a dissolvable pain relief tablet) to film a scene where a drink is being drugged

Below is one of the warning signs that we made and put up around the area that we were filming in to warn people that we were in the process of filming.

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