Friday 29 January 2016

Target Audience

Who is our target audience?

Our target audience are 17 - 25 year old males and females.

To appeal to this audience we will be using actors who are in that age range so that the audience will be able to relate to the emotions and actions the actors and characters go through. The problems and obstacles that our characters face our mainly to do with relationship issues which children of a younger age would probably be too young to understand or relate to. For example, the center theme of our story surrounds the protagonist having an affair and cheating on her husband and, therefore, would not connect with a younger audience because they have unlikely experienced marriage and falling out of love. Though our target audience may not be married, the issues and emotions coming with love and falling out of love should, we hope, be relatable.

We also have lead female and male characters and male and female actors to play those roles. This will appeal to our male and female audience as neither gender is more dominant and neither is portrayed to be "better" or stronger than the other as both genders are shown to have positive and negative character traits to show this.

The likely certification of our opening

To appeal to our target audience, we wanted to show as much of the drama and action as possible without having to censor too much. For example, our opening scene begins with our protagonist with a bloodied knife in her hands and a dead body which we believe will be too upsetting and disturbing for a really young child to see. So, after looking at the British Board of Film Classification's website we could compare our film ideas to the definitions of each certificate.

The 18 rated certificate logo
A film rated 18 can include frequent strong language/very strong language, real sex, extreme gore and blood, extreme violence, discriminatory language or behaviour. Drug use can be shown but not promoted. They may also cover difficult or strong subjects.

We decided this was not probably not suit our opening as, though there is gore and blood, violence, and a character shown putting a drug in a drink (which does not promote the use of it), there is nothing extreme or very detailed. There is also no use of strong or discriminatory language and no scenes of a sexual nature.

The 15 rated certificate logo
A film rated 15 may include strong violence ("it should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury, however, and the strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable"), drug taking, strong threat or horror (though not a "sustained focus").

We felt as though this may be more suited to our opening as some scenes do contain strong violence but not in extremely close detail or not for very long. The pain of the injuries is not sustained at any point. The scene of the drug being added to the drink is briefly mentioned but not sustained upon.

The 12A rated certificate logo
A 12A film has darker themes than a 12 but must be positively reassuring. Strong language may be used depending on the context in which it is used. There can be moderate violence but is not dwelled upon. Weapons easily accessible to 12 year olds (e.g. knives) must not be glamourised.

We did not feel as if this would fit our film. There are scenes of strong violence, though not in extreme detail, is dwelled upon slightly longer than a 12A would probably accept. Our story does not have a happy ending for either of the lead characters and faces some darker themes (for example, the affair and murder). Knives are also used which a 12 year old will be able to get near, therefore it would not be acceptable.

In conclusion, our film would most likely be rated a 15.

1 comment:

  1. As with all of your planning posts, this is excellent work! Well done! You have all shown that you understand very well the requirements of this work for level 4, and as things stand, this blog is certainly level 4. Well done!
