Thursday 28 January 2016

Lighting and Colour



When we are filming the outdoor scenes, we will mostly rely on the natural lighting as this will make the film seem more realistic due to the fact that we will be filming in February and the weather will create a suitable atmosphere for a thriller. However, to intensify the focus and composition of the characters we will also be using a back light as this will create structure within the lighting.


When filming inside (in the house) we will use low key lighting as this is a type of iconography used for the mise en scene of a thriller genre. This type of lighting creates a dark and depressing mood that connotes a thriller like atmosphere. We will also exaggerate the use of the colour red, as this colour is a iconic colour used in the thriller genre and connotes the meaning of murder, lust, and evil; all themes that we are involving in our film opening and story line.

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